*Our Boxing Journey 2007!! (:]

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Excitement rages through us as we venture out to the Nus Muay Thai team training!

First up, we met the people who were in charge! Namely, the president and the coach.

Kim Khai Ching
(affectionately known as Khai
by the other members)

Heavily tattooed strong arms.. o.O

Unfortunately, we weren't able to interview him due to his tight training schedule :(

Next, we observed the preparation for the training and the training session itself! Managed to take some pictures, talk to some of the members and conduct interviews!

Here's the team preparing for training! They are wrapping their hands with rope to protect their knuckles.

Funfact! In 18th century Thailand, in grudge matches between particularly keen rivals, the hands of fighters were bound with glue-soaked cotton or hemp and then dipped in ground glass to inflict further injury! OUCH.

Then we caught the beginner's group in their series of warming-up exercises. "Lift your knees higher!", said the Coach.

Here's where all the ACTIONS are!

Then we got to see some real contact sparring in action!

Although they were just training, it gave us a first-hand look at a Muay Thai fight. Watching them practice sparring made us realise that one of the keys to a good fighter is agility.

Okay our post ends here! This is just a glimpse into a training session of the NUS Muay Thai team. If you want to know more, you gotta watch out for the second part of our meet with the team! We will post up our interviews with a variety of people next and its surely gonna be an interesting read! Stay tuned!

Sorry for the countless exclamation marks,
Boon Ee & Izzah

* my stories -8:29 PM